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Here's The Scoop

If you have any questions about our company, who we are what we do - you have landed on the right page!

The roots of BrainMarketer.com go back to 2008, when I realised that the world is more and more going digital.
Hi, my name is Bernie Meyer, I am the founder and CEO of BrainMarketer.com. Coming from a strong business and consulting background with over 20 years of experience, I sat down and analysed the then available online business models.
In this process, I planted the seed of digital marketing into my consulting business, and I co-authored an international bestselling book on this subject ("10 businesses that people can start online in 1 day or less", B. F. Meyer, Brian Koz, Shawn Casey et al).

As a result, I pursued the most promising internet business models, did a lot of testing, met many interesting people, lost a few illusions and gathered valuable practical insights on what works - and what does not.
Today, you can profit from this long and sometimes tough journey, as I have created, curated and/or acquired basically everything you need to run a successful online business: Training, Tools and - to make it even easier for you to start out - high end ready-made digital assets for you to rebrand and sell as your own digital product.

My team and I are proud to bring you the very best of internet marketing - up-to-date and without the usual fluff that you find so many times online. Heavy analysis and observation, loads of practical experience and a strong business culture are the building blocks of BrainMarketer.com today.

Bernie Meyer CEO BrainMarketer.com

Why Work With Us


Over 20 years of business consulting experience, paired with over 10 years of internet marketing. 

Quality Assured

We believe in quality, and we believe in value. Our long term and return customers appreciate it.

Highly Rated

We constantly source the best tools, and the top of the list partners - to bring you just the best of the best.

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