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Here´s what matters in Digital Marketing.

WEB TRAFFIC: 3 Ways... (☞ CLICK to see full article)

WEB TRAFFIC: 3 Ways to Borrow Someone Else’s Audience

Ask nearly anyone who runs an online business what their biggest struggle is, and chances are they’ll say “more traffic.”

You need traffic to build an email list.

You need traffic to make sales.

You need traffic to fill your coaching programs.

So the big question is, where do you get all that traffic?

Sure, you could buy ads, but if you aren’t careful, you might just fill your list with less-than-ideal audience members and that will do nothing for your sales.
You could focus your time and energy on search engine optimization but unless you have years to build your business (and who does?) then SEO should not be your top choice.

Good thing you have other options.

Be a Guest

Everyone needs content. It’s the one thing that remains consistent among all content creators—there is never enough. That’s where you can help.

By guest posting on other coaches’ blogs, you can “borrow” some of their traffic.

You can’t simply regurgitate old content and send it out in a dozen directions though. To get the best results, you’ll want to:

  • Create custom content designed with your host’s unique audience in mind.
  • Provide stellar value with actionable ideas and strategies not found everywhere else.
  • Inject your personality so those new to you will instantly connect with you.
  • Offer a compelling reason to click through to your website or blog for more information.

Partner Up

No list? Here’s a quick way to “borrow” someone else’s list to kickstart your own: Schedule a free event with a partner.

Here’s how it works.

1. You (as the one with the small list) create a compelling, free training which leads naturally to a low-cost, no-brainer product.

2. Install an affiliate tracking system such as aMember, Infusionsoft or 1Shopping Cart.

3. Offer your best affiliates a higher percentage of profits in exchange for co-hosting your webinar and bringing their traffic along for the ride.

This is a win/win for both of you, as you gain the traffic while your affiliate gets a bigger payday. Just be sure you have a good funnel in place so that your new list members can benefit from all that you have to offer.

Get Interviewed

Want to really show off your expert status and bring traffic back to your site, too? The easiest way is to get on the interview circuit. Just like authors with new books and actors with new movies, coaches and service providers can get in front of new audiences simply by answering questions about what they know.

Of course, you’re probably not going to appear on the Today Show or Oprah (although that’s not impossible), but there are still plenty of opportunities out there for coaches and consultants in every niche.

Look for interview and speaking opportunities on:

  • Podcasts
  • Other blogs
  • YouTube
  • Local events
  • Industry conferences
  • Virtual events/summits

Start by reaching out to your colleagues and to podcast and blog hosts you most admire. Get the word out with your friends and your list that you’re looking for opportunities.

Even if you don’t yet have a list of your own, it’s easy (and fun) to kickstart your audience growth simply by making yourself available for these and other opportunities. Each guest post, podcast interview and webinar is another chance to get in front of a whole new market, so take advantage of it!

EMAIL MARKETING: Three Ways... (☞ CLICK to see full article)

EMAIL: Is Your Email List Your Friend or Foe?

“You need a list,” they said. “The money is in the list,” they said. “You need an autoresponder,” they said. So you purchased an autoresponder; you added an opt-in box on your website; you have a couple of subscribers; now what?

Now, you sit down and plan out what you’re going to send to your list. The money is in the list ONLY if you stay in contact with the list. If you send out random emails every few months or every few years (yikes!) chances are you’ll have several unsubscribes and maybe even a few spam reports. Simply because you weren’t consistent in your communication and your subscribers probably don’t remember who you are or how they got onto your list.

Know Your Subscribers

Your subscribers should also be your ideal clients. You may have a few who don’t fit that ideal description and maybe they subscribed because something about your opt-in offer intrigued them but basically, speak to your ideal clients.

What do they need? What are their pain points right now, this minute? How can you help them? What products or coaching packages can they use in their lives right now?

Knowing the general details of your subscribers’ lives and their needs will naturally tell you what kinds of offers to make. Of course, offer your own services and products first but also investigate affiliate programs of products that compliment what you offer.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

In this social media age, people are gung ho to offer opinions on absolutely everything, so don’t be afraid to ask open ended questions about what your subscribers need.

This is market research and shouldn’t be construed as an invasion of privacy. You want to fill their needs and guessing isn’t a productive way to use your time.

Get Used to Planning

Consistency is key to developing loyal followers so plan your emails to correspond with your other content efforts during the month. Decide how often you will email your list then pick a specific day of the week. Mark it in your calendar so it’s official (yes, you should consider yourself a client).

At the very least, tie in your weekly blog content with your email theme/offer or get adventurous and choose a monthly theme.

Write it all down so nothing falls through the cracks.

Your Audience Wants Your Content…Are Your Producing?


PROMOTE: How To... (☞ CLICK to see full article)

PROMOTE: How to Build an Audience with Paid Ads


We’ve been told (and told and told) for years that “the money is in the list” and that “your mailing list is your biggest business asset.” But if your list numbers are hovering in the low four-figures—or fewer—with no sign of growth on the horizon, such advice can seem a bit unhelpful.

The fact is, building a list is a catch 22: You can’t get sign ups without traffic and it’s difficult to find traffic when you have no list. What’s a busy coach to do?

Paid Ads Make List-Building Easy

By strategically placing ads in front of your target audience, you can drive tons of traffic to your opt-in offers and enjoy conversion rates of two or three percent or more. Even better, with some tweaking and split testing of your offers, you can carefully refine your ads and copy so that you’re attracting your exact ideal client and filling your list with buyers who are ready to take action, rather than freebie seekers.

All you need to run paid ads to your opt-in pages is:

  • A compelling offer, such as a video training series or live webinar
  • Copy to grab the attention of your target audience

Best Ad Placements

Once you have your components in place, the only question remaining is where to run your ads. You have dozens of choices, from Twitter to Google to YouTube to solo email spots.

The key is to first determine where your market is most likely to be hanging out. If they’re on LinkedIn, then running ads on Twitter will be a waste of time. Keep in mind the cost as well. Ads on Facebook are generally less expensive and less competitive than a Google Adwords placement.

Start Small, Then Refine

Once you’ve decided where to place your ads, it’s time to set your budget and begin running a small set of ads. Consider setting a small daily budget, such as $10 or $20 at the beginning, so you can get a feel for how your ads will perform.

Watch the traffic, track your conversions, and create split tests of your landing page and ad sets to determine which performs the best. You can also refine the audience you’re targeting based on the stats you receive. For example, if you find that men between the ages of 20 and 30 are clicking but not opting in, you might want to remove them from your audience.

At least at first, it’s best to avoid running ads for paid products. Conversions for a free offer will far outshine those to a paid product—especially if your program is expensive. After all, those who are clicking on an ad most likely do not know you at all, so it takes a much bigger leap of faith to offer up a credit card number than it will to provide an email address.

Ad Copy Blunders to Avoid

Have you ever clicked on an ad because you saw an adorable pair of sandals that you just had to have, only to land on a page full of sneakers, with not a sandal in sight? It’s frustrating, to say the least, and that kind of ad to landing page mismatch will kill your conversions.

Your ad copy is making a promise to the reader. If your landing page doesn’t fulfill that promise, your readers will click away, and you’ll have wasted the money you spent to get them there. Before running any ads, be sure your ad headline, image, and copy all match the message on the landing page.

Paid advertising was once a tool used only by big companies or marketers with a lot of money to spare, but today they’re more cost-effective than ever, and the technology makes them easy to create and monitor. If you haven’t yet tried your hand at this useful traffic generation method, it’s time to do some experimenting. You might just find your list numbers - and sales - growing.

DFY: Plagiarize or... (☞ CLICK to see full article)

DFY: Is Using Private Label Rights Content the Same as Plagiarizing?

Let’s debunk a myth right this minute: using Private Label Rights content (or PLR) is NOT plagiarizing!

Here’s why:

Plagiarizing is when you copy and paste someone else’s printed words into your own document and claim that it’s your own work. Doesn’t matter if it’s one sentence, one quote, or an entire document; if it’s taken directly from another work, without any quotation marks or citations, it’s plagiarizing.

On the other hand, when you purchase PLR, you purchase a LICENSE giving you permission to use the text as is or to make any edits to it. You can brand it with your colors and logo, you can add your name to it, you can add your own case studies to it. That license gives you permission to make as many or as few changes as you like. It’s really no different than hiring a ghostwriter to do the work for you and then you publish the work with your name on it.

The Duplicate Content Issue

For years content creators believed that having duplicate content or plagiarized content on your site would result in Google giving you a stiff penalty in the search engines.

While there’s no true penalty, if the Google bots see multiple articles written exactly the same, either plagiarized or PLR that wasn’t edited, Google may offer only one of those results to the searchers, which could result in YOUR site being hidden.

Who wants to see multiple search results of the same article? Nobody, which is why some sites don’t show up if they offer the exact same content wording.

Make Your PLR Unique

If you purchase PLR, spend some time making edits and adding your own flair to the pieces. PLR is meant to be a starting point for your content creation, not the final product (that’s why we have ghostwriters).

Adding your flair can include rewriting in your own voice, with your own words, in your own personal style that attracts your tribe.

Be creative with your written PLR and use it as a script for a video. Take single ideas from an article and make a series of blog posts or a series of videos. Take these same ideas and create an infographic. You’re only limited by your own creativity.

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